Hello Stampers! I have decided that on Fridays I'm going to work on other crafts that I love to do! I have always been a very crafty person. I like to cross-stitch, quilt, scrapbook, paint, stamp, etc. I ran the Santa Shop at my girl's grade school for probably five years. It was a year round event because we hand made every item in it! Thousands of items every year! It was so much fun!
So on Monday's I will be showing you some of the other projects that I have made and have been working on! Today I wanted to show you a necklace that I made at one of our recent team meetings. One of our team members asked if she could teach us all how to make these necklaces so we said sure!
Here is the one I made:
They were very easy to do and I just love the way this one turned out! I wear a lot of coral and orange so I have had several chances to wear my necklace already!
Thanks Julie for introducing me to this new craft!